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A time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
更新时间:2023-12-17 15:20:05 来源: 浏览次数:1392

1202年,手机俨然已经成为了每个人的生活必需品。早上一睁眼就要摸手机,上厕所要玩手机,挤公交也要抓着手机,然而,有的时候我们也会遇上不得不与我们心爱的手机短暂分开的时刻~~ 今天,让我们来聊聊口语话题“A time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone”。

Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

You should say:

When it was

Where it was

Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

And explain how you feel about the whole experience

当我们拿到这道题目的时候,首先要提取一些关键信息:禁止使用手机、时间、原因、感受。我们再结合到自己的经历,一篇part 2的基本内容就大致构成了。话不多说,上解析!

- When it was

- Where it was

面对这样一个简单的问题,很多同学可能会一句带过, 从而导致整个part 2话题时间说不够的问题。其实在这一部分当中,同学们可以考虑加入一些关于这个事件的基本信息,例如:起因、背景等。

事件背景(时间、地点):爷爷80岁生日聚会】 This winter, my family and I went to a big family gathering at my grandfather’s house where we had a large dinner party to celebrate the 80th birthday of him. It was such an important day that nearly all of my relatives had come. We all dressed up in some of our finest clothes and my father drove us to my grandfather’s house.

- Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

【为什么不被允许使用手机:妈妈的要求,同时在聚会上使用手机十分不礼貌】 On the drive there, my mother told me that I was not allowed to use my mobile phone during the party and especially not during the dinner. She told me that this was very rude.

- And explain how you feel about the whole experience


【感受:十分沮丧,不能和朋友聊天】 At first, I was somewhat upset about this, because I was talking to a lot of my friends on Wechat and we were making exciting plans for the weekend.


到达派对后:沉浸在幸福的家庭聚会中,完全忘记使用手机】 However, when we got to the party, I soon forgot about this. Without our phones, everyone was engaging with each other and having brilliant conversation. Before the meal, we asked our neighbor to take a family photo for us with the beloved old man in a birthday.

【最后的感受:避免对手机的依赖,多和家人朋友分享时光】 It was so refreshing to have everyone engaged and focused on each other without any distractions from mobile phones. I think from now on I will make more of an effort to use my phone less, especially when I am out with friends or family.


This winter, my family and I went to a big family gathering at my grandfather’s house where we had a large dinner party to celebrate the 80th birthday of him. It was such an important day that nearly all of my relatives had come. We all dressed up in some of our finest clothes and my father drove us to my grandfather’s house.

On the drive there, my mother told me that I was not allowed to use my mobile phone during the party and especially not during the dinner. She told me that this was very rude. At first, I was somewhat upset about this, because I was talking to a lot of my friends on Wechat and we were making exciting plans for the weekend.

However, when we got to the party, I soon forgot about this. Without our phones, everyone was engaging with each other and having brilliant conversation. Before the meal, we asked our neighbor to take a family photo for us with the beloved old man in a birthday.

It was so refreshing to have everyone engaged and focused on each other without any distractions from mobile phones. I think from now on I will make more of an effort to use my phone less, especially when I am out with friends or family.