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A book that you enjoyed reading because you had to think a lot
更新时间:12/17/2023 3:18:14 PM 来源: 浏览次数:288

上期口语我们讲到了如何在Part 2时描述地点类的话题,这一期我们来学习一下如何描述物品类的话题。话不多说,我们直接进入主题!

Describe a book that you enjoyed reading because you had to think a lot.

You should say:

What this book was

Why you decided to read it

What reading this book made you think about

And explain why you enjoyed reading thisbook.


① 这本书是什么

② 为什么要读这本书

③ 这本书的哪一部份让你陷入了思考

④ 解释你为什么很享受阅读这本书


What this book was



[书名] The book that I enjoyed reading was ‘Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption’.

[作者] It was written by an American author named ‘Laura Hillenbrand’.

[年份] This book was published in 2014.


Why you decided to read it




[第一次了解这本书时的介绍:] When I was browsing the Tiktok on my phone, an advertisement suddenly popped out and I was appealed by the cover of the book at that time. So I instantly clicked in and took a look.

[具体原因] Noticing that this book was so encouraging and there were so many positive commends below, I decided to give it a try.


What reading this book made you think a lot




[虽然处于惊险且困难重重的时刻,但主人公凭借自己的毅力解决一切] In this book, although the leading character survived with the help of a founding life raft after his air force bomber crashed into the ocean, he faced numerous dangers, such as thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, thirst and starvation. However, rather than giving up, he still bravely dealt with all the difficulties with his endurance, resolve and ingenuity. His story resonates with our daily life and really makes me think deeply.


Explain why you enjoy reading this book




[看这本书的意义] Well, there are many reasons why I enjoyed reading this book. For example, I believe that reading this book can while away my time as well as enrich my daily life. But the most important one is because of the dangerous but encouraging story in the book. By reading this book, I start to think in depth in my life and it seems that I am given the power to face all the difficulties. This book is really meaningful and worth reading, so I extremely enjoy reading this book.


Today, the book I would like to talk about is called ‘Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption’. Published in 2014, this book was written by an American author named ‘Laura Hillenbrand’.

I still remember that when I was browsing the Tiktok on my phone, an advertisement suddenly popped out and I was appealed by the cover of the book at that time. So I instantly clicked in and took a look. Noticing that this book was so encouraging and there were so many positive commends below, I decided to give it a try.

In this book, although the leading character survived with the help of a founding life raft after his air force bomber crashed into the ocean, he faced numerous dangers, such as thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, thirst and starvation. However, rather than giving up, he still bravely dealt with all the difficulties with his endurance, resolve and ingenuity. His story resonates with our daily life and really makes me think deeply.

Well, there are many reasons why I enjoyed reading this book. For example, I believe that reading this book can while away my time as well as enrich my daily life. But the most important one is because of the dangerous but encouraging story in the book. By reading this book, I start to think in depth in my life and it seems that I am given the power to face all the difficulties. This book is really meaningful and worth reading, so I extremely enjoy reading this book.